The results show that PSW can increase pore volume of coal and can enhance permeability of coalbed methane ( CBM) in coal. 结果表明,功率声波能够增加煤的孔隙体积,提高甲烷在煤层中的渗透率;
Simple method for synthesizing alumina with large pore volume and low apparent density 合成大孔容低密度氧化铝的简单方法
So the effective porosity is drawn from the matrix volume and effective pore volume. 然后由岩样的有效孔隙体积和骨架体积计算出岩样的有效孔隙度。
Construction Technology for Mass Concrete with Dense Barite Preparation and Characterization of γ-Al_2O_3 with Low Bulk Density and Large Pore Volume 高密度重晶石大体积混凝土施工技术低堆密度大孔体积γ-Al2O3的制备与表征
The impact of injection rate of polymer flooding on the inaccessible pore volume is studied by the numerical method. 利用数值模拟方法,研究聚合物驱注入速度对不可及孔隙体积的影响。
The serial catalyst is characterized by large pore volume and pore diameter, high activity and stability. 该系列催化剂的主要特点是大孔容、孔径、性和稳定性高。
The results showed that under certain condition, the trend of the properties of Kaolin Clays, such as surface area, pore volume, pore size distribution and cracking activity etc. 在不同的温度、时间、酸浓度等条件下,用不同的无机酸对高岭土进行改性处理,考察其改性后的比表面、孔容、孔径分布及裂化活性的变化。
Linearregression analysis between the pore volume of different aperture and the adsorption capacity for toluene was conducted and checked by linear correlation R. 对活性炭不同孔径区间的孔容和甲苯吸附量进行线性回归分析,并对分析结果进行显著性检验。
The effect of inaccessible pore volume on the flow of polymer solution in porous media 不可及孔隙体积对聚合物溶液在多孔介质中流动的影响
Pore volume of porous packing rill cut and fill method 多孔填充剂的孔体积倾斜分层充填采煤法
The oil shale on the surface show opening foliation, abundant pore volume and low density because of less overburden pressure. 地表油页岩由于覆压减小等影响,页理张开、孔隙增加、密度减小。
N-hexane Assisted Synthesis of Mesostructure Cellular Foam Silica Material with Little Pore Size and Big Pore Volume diameter and number of hole 正己烷辅助合成小孔径大孔容介孔泡沫氧化硅材料喷嘴量孔孔径及数目
A method for measuring the specific surface area and pore volume of ion-exchange resin by N_2 absorption apparatus is introduced. 介绍了用氮吸附仪测定离子交换树脂的比表面、孔容的方法。
The apparent density increased with the increase of calcination temperature, while the surface area and pore volume decreased little. 随着焙烧温度的升高,比表面积、孔体积略有减少,表观堆密度增大。
Preparation and Characterization of γ-Al_2O_3 with Low Bulk Density and Large Pore Volume 低堆密度大孔体积γ-Al2O3的制备与表征
At the same time orthogonal experimental method was used to study the effect of reation temperature and time on the surface area and pore volume. 同时运用正交实验法考察了反应温度、反应时间对纳米管钛酸比表面积和孔体积的影响。
Good relationship exists among total pore volume, specific surface area and aromatic microcrystallite size in coal char. 煤焦的总孔容、比表面积和芳核大小之间有很好的对应关系。
The effect of the pore volume and surface area of hydrotreating catalyst on its activity was studied. 考察了加氢精制催化剂的孔容和比表面对其活性的影响。
The results show that during combustion the specific surface area and pore volume increase greatly with the same tendency. 实验结果表明:石油焦的孔隙结构在燃烧过程中变得发达,比表面积和孔容积较原样明显增大且变化基本趋势一致;
The fractal dimensions coincide with relative content of ultramicropore and characteristic adsorption energy other than specific and pore volume. 分形维数与活性炭的BET比表面积和总孔容都没有直接的关系,而与特征吸附能和极微孔相对含量较为一致。
Activity of the catalysts increases with surface area and pore volume. 随着比表面积和孔容的增大,催化剂的活性提高。
The stationary phase with bigger pore volume is propitious to the separation of the two compounds. 孔容大的固定相,有利于葡萄糖和乳酸的分离。
The specific surface area and pore volume can be controlled by adjusting activation temperature and water content. 改变活化温度,时间以及通水量,可以控制椰壳活性炭的比表面积和孔容。
The photocatalyst had a relative large surface area, pore diameter and pore volume. 该催化剂HPW-HPS具有相对比较大的比表面积、孔径和孔体积。
The BET characterization results showed the binder increased the catalytic specific surface area and pore volume. 4. BET表征结果显示,粘结剂提高了催化剂比表面积和孔容。
With increasing calcination temperatures, the specific surface area and pore volume increased and pore size decreased. 随着煅烧温度的升高,比表面积和孔体积增大,而孔径随之减小。